Our Consultancy Services - Accelerated Strategic Change

Our approach to Accelerated Strategic Change

In today’s business climate change is ever present.  Typical drivers for change include mergers, acquisitions, growth, technology – and with bottom line benefits the ultimate pay back.

So why is it that the majority of change projects fail to deliver the anticipated business benefits?

At   Anne  Shaw  Consultants  our  work  with   clients   is   frequently   part  of  a carefully   managed   change   process -  to
Accelerated Strategic Change - and our interventions help bring about the business benefits on time or earlier.

Our knowledge and experience of the barriers to change help us identify where we can bring the maximum benefit to you - and our fundamental belief that the only way that you can successfully achieve change is through the skills, knowledge and behaviours of your people.

Employees can be alienated by change – and it is critical that they know how, why and when they can begin to ‘Live the Future’.  Our interventions at individual and team level can help move those individuals who are ‘Stuck in the Past’ or ‘Lost in the Present’.  And the quicker this happens the quicker the bottom line benefits appear.

How we work with you

We can work with you at various stages to help your change projects. These include:

Our Accelerated Strategic Change framework can help your organisation achieve your objectives including improved productivity, increased profitability, and attraction and retention of key talent.

A distinct approach to add value

Key to our work with clients are two elements – partnership and ownership.

We work with your key drivers of change – not just your HR function - to ensure new ideas and initiatives are aligned with your culture and values.  And, vitally, that they are owned by those critical to success – line managers.

We aim to complement your in-house resources by forming an effective partnership – leaving with you increased expertise and knowledge once our work with you is complete.

And at the outset we’ll agree measurable outcomes so that your investment can be justified by tangible benefits.

Our services can be used to help implement an organisation wide change strategy, or as part of a smaller (sometimes a pilot) change programme within departments or teams.